Susan Gregory

Susan Gregory

“Attending one of Susan Gregory’s workshops is like learning to live in grace and harmony with oneself and one’s environment.”
Prof. Edward J. Lynch
Chair, Dept. of Family Therapy, U.Con

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About Susan

Susan Gregory has been a Gestalt therapist and life coach in private practice for more than twenty years and has taught aspects of Gestalt therapy theory and practice throughout the world as both guest faculty and workshop presenter at conferences. In addition, she teaches singing and the Gindler approach to breath and bodywork. She has written three book chapters on the nexus of Gestalt therapy and singing, as well as 15 articles which treat various aspects of Gestalt therapy/voice/breath/social contacting. Susan is past president of the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy.


  • Gestalt therapist and life coach in private practice since 1991
  • Singing teacher since 1980
  • Professional concert artist and opera singer since 1971
  • Author of 22 published articles and four book chapters since 2000
  • Guest faculty at Gestalt institutes in Australia, 2006; New Zealand, 2003; England, 2002; North of Ireland 2007, 2010, Stavander, Norway, 2013; Mexico City, 2014 and 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland, 2017.
  • Workshop presenter in Barcelona, Rome, Antwerp, Athens, Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Krakow, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Australia, New Zealand, Montreal,Vancouver, Cleveland, New Orleans, Big Sur, New York City.

Additional work

Breath Educator: Gindler Technique, 1990 – present

Principal artist New York City Opera 1977-1980
Teacher of English as a Second Language to Adults, Board of Education of NYC, 1967-1977


Certified Life Coach, ACC, Gestalt International Study Center and International Coach Federation, 2014

Neuroscience, 2012 – present, Neuropsychoanalytical Association/Pfeffer Center, NYC

Kinesthetic Anatomy 2001-2005, Irene Dowd

New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy 1990-2000, Dan Bloom, Gail Feinstein, Cynthia Cook, Perry Klepner

Singing and languages 1958 – 2000, Elsa Seyfert, Conrad Osborne
Arbeit am Menschen, the Elsa Gindler approach to bodywork,1963-1995, Carola Speads

M.A. Goddard College, 1995

B.A. cum laude City University of New York 1964
Diploma, High School of Music and Art, NYC 1960


President, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy 2007-2009

Vice-President, New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy 2004 – 2007

Coordinator Peer Review Committee, AAGT 2006 – 2008

Chair, Scholarship Committee, AAGT 2002-2005

Chair, Voice Department, 3rd St. Music School Settlement 1980-1991

Board of Directors, National Association of Teachers of Singing, New York Chapter


Finalist, Metropolitan Opera Competition 1978

Gold Medal, Concorso G.B. Viotti, Italy 1974